Eccles Clinic



Eccles Clinic - Two Surgeons

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

This procedure is designed to remove excess skin from the abdomen and, at the same time if required, tighten the abdominal muscles.
During surgery, all loose excess skin and fatty tissues are removed through a horizontal incision which is within or just above the pubic area. Any damaged abdominal muscles are repaired and tightened. As excess skin is pulled downwards a small incision may be made to accommodate repositioned (not removed) belly button. 
Surgery time averages around two hours, is performed under general anaesthetic and usually requires a one to two night stay in hospital.

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Making a small incision near the area to be treated, surgeons pass a solution into the area through a fine tube to help break down fat cells. Fat is then surgically aspirated from under the skin in problem areas, such as the chin and neck, upper arms, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves and ankles.

Liposuction is usually carried out as day surgery and many treatments can be performed under local anaesthetic. It is important to note that support garments must be worn for up to six weeks after the surgery.

Liposuction is not the answer to obesity, but may assist those who have lost weight through dieting and are finding it difficult to remove fat in problem areas. Discuss your needs with your consultant and find out how you can sculpt your body to reflect your hard work.

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Buttock and Thigh Lift

An incision is made around the groin area and the excess skin is pulled upwards before being removed. This procedure is carried out under general anaesthesia and patients typically stay overnight in hospital following surgery.

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Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

To reduce or eliminate sagging tissues in the arm, often a result of aging or significant weight loss, surgeons remove the skin and subcutaneous tissue from the posterior aspect of the upper arm. On average surgery will take up to three hours to complete. However, the amount of skin to be removed, the location of the excess skin, and the amount of fat to be removed are key factors in determining the time frame and incision size.

Most patients must remain in hospital for one to two days following surgery. Your surgeon will discuss your surgery options in further detail at your consultation.

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Body Contouring (Post-Bariatric Surgery)

Following major weight loss some areas of skin lose natural elasticity, resulting in significant sagging. Commonly seen at the face, neck, upper arms, breast, abdomen, buttocks and thighs, the resulting look can make the body appear irregular and misshapen. Those who have achieved their optimum weight loss goal, through diet and exercise or bariatric surgery, may be excellent candidates for body contouring surgery. Whether reducing, enlarging or lifting, success is determined by age and the size, shape and skin tone of the area to be treated. Typical post-surgery scarring is often inconspicuous, however noticeable scarring occurs with the surgical removal of fat and skin.


Based on the individual, the extent of required surgery and surgeon’s preference, patients may undergo multiple operations performed in stages over weeks or several months. Your consultant will determine a personalised schedule of surgery for you.

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